Nutritional Counseling – what to expect

Nutritional Counseling, healthy food

Your First Visit

When you come for your first nutritional counseling appointment (or phone consultation) with Louise Bowman, it is helpful to come prepared with a 3-day diet diary – 2 work days and 1 day off (see forms below). This will help Louise see what you are typically eating in a day and where possible improvements might be made.

During the first visit, you will go through a detailed health history, as well as a history of your current eating habits along with your food likes and dislikes. Beyond this initial information gathering, you are in charge of your session and get to determine how the session will proceed.

Most people come in search of specific information about food, meal planning, and/or supplements. Each session can focus on one or more of these issues in relation to your diet, health, and well-being.

You will generally leave the session with enough information to get started on your new eating plan. You will have access to Louise’s email address and cell phone number, so if you leave and have additional  questions or concerns you can contact her easily.

The first session may take anywhere from 60 – 90 minutes depending on the extent of the diet plan.

How often do I have to come back?

You are in control of your sessions and so you can determine when and if you need to return. Generally, you are given all that you need to begin your new eating plan. However, if you need someone to follow your progress, or you need to make some minor adjustments to your plan, then 1/2 hour appointments are offered.