KI-Kiloby Inquiries

KI is an awareness based somatic practice. Created by Scott Kiloby and Dan McLintock, it focuses on making the unconscious, conscious.  The conditioning of each person, held as patterns of behavior, beliefs, identities, pain, dis-ease, traumas, wounds, etc. all stored in the tissues of the body and felt as contractions and in the mind as words and pictures, are brought to consciousness and examined.

Using inquiry and specific tools we move through the layers of repressed emotions to liberate the system – mind, body, and heart, to restore homeostasis and balance. This ultimately and naturally leads to freedom from suffering.

In KI we believe that if you are suffering you are repressing something. These unmet and unprocessed emotions are the drivers for behaviors, compulsions, addictions, etc.

Because it is an inside – out path, we get to uncover and experience how our inside reality is manifesting outside in how we see, react, and the view the world around us.

We experience all of this in safety and presence. We do not become the thoughts, emotions, and sensations. We link what the mind is saying to what the body is feeling as we peel back the layers of repressed energy that has been held in the body for decades.

My main goal is to guide you in discovering your unique map. I will use and teach the tools of KI inquiry so that when together we can dive deep and when apart you feel skilled and comfortable to use inquiry in your every day life.

You can live from the inside out. You can be free from suffering. You can know the truth of what you are.

Many clients are now with me from all parts of the world. Zoom/FaceTime, etc. give us a way to be together from anywhere, at any time. I am happy to answer your questions or book a session.Email me.

Here is what people are saying:

My journey with Anita has been nothing short of life changing. She guides me time and again to the deepest, most vulnerable places within. To places that my nervous system and programming has been trying to avoid all my life, to keep me ‘safe’ (and suffering!). She guides me there within what feels like an unconditionally loving, accepting, and encouraging space. Anita goes the extra mile in compiling a personal map of your specific programmes, constantly keeping evidence and narrowing down the search with you. Her dedication is inspiring. In inquiry, she’s responsive to even the slightest change in energy, which reduces resistance and makes you feel seen and cared for – that you are in very capable hands! Together we’ve come into contact with the most buried parts of myself, parts that were screaming to be seen and loved, which ultimately feels like coming home. Thank you Anita! – Fergus/UK

Anita so lovingly and warmly guides me during my sessions and beyond. I fully feel her compassionate energy by my side the entire session and even after. Her dedication and desire to learn and implement the evolving KI tools combined with all her experiences and expertise make her a highly impactful facilitator. She is intuitive as well. During sessions, when my mind is about to take over or if I may go into shutdown, she is right there,  gently reminding  me to either slow down or inquire again to keep the  processing on track and moving forward. I feel the released energies from my sessions with Anita staying with me even days after fueling me to continue and process on my own. I believe she is a game changer because she has the unique ability to take you deep gently! I have been able to unveil layers of repression hidden in my system and with her guidance I am able to recognize how to spot the triggers in my daily life and take myself into inquiry real time. I am deeply grateful to Anita for teaching me how to apply the tools directly as it relates to my identities and repression.  If you are here to reach the repression barriers and reveal repressed emotions and energies that have been in place all your life through injuries, you want Anita to be by your side!  – Beeta/Sweden

Being facilitated by Anita, I’ve often wondered to myself, “How does she do it? Where does this steadfast awareness and unwavering consistency come from? How does she manage to extend so much compassion and yet steer the inquiry without skipping a beat?” I don’t know the answers to those questions, but I now realize that’s probably what makes Anita…well, Anita. There’s simply no one else like her as a somatic inquiry facilitator. The effectiveness of Anita’s work is her own “secret sauce”. The context that Anita brings into the process through her therapeutic background is her own “superpower”. Throughout the many sessions I’ve had the opportunity to have with Anita, she skillfully took me to my deepest depths, which is the only place where true transformation lies. It’s extremely challenging for anyone to make such explorations on one’s own. Anita is the perfect guide and companion for it. -Gaia/US

Disclaimer: The Kiloby Inquiries and its facilitators are not physicians or licensed health care professionals, and are not a substitute for, nor are they offering medical or psychiatric support or care. We cannot and will not diagnose any disorder, condition or illness, and do not profess to treat or cure any disorder, condition, or illness. If you have or think you are suffering from a medical or psychological condition, please consult your doctor or other appropriately qualified professional.